Monday, December 15, 2008

work and dreams

These are the amazing ladies that I get to work with every day! From left to right standing it's Jenny, Laura K, Tia (our supervisor), Me sitting it is Kortney on the left and Faith on the right. The 5 of us share an office...Tia of course has her own. We have fun together, laugh and talk about life and the clients we each have. I would not love my job if I did not love the people I work with.

I work at Southwest Human Development. It was recently voted the best non-profit organization to work for! I feel so blessed to have landed this job right out of college! It really is a GREAT place to work. The supervisors care about the team members and make sure that we are doing well and feel supported in dealing with the hard issues we have to face with our families that we serve.

Lately I've been thinking about my career and what I want it to look like. Do I want to start a family now? Do I want to keep working at my current job for a long term thing (I've been there 6 months so far)...Do I want to go back to school? What would my degree be in? Do I want to invest more in my work outside of the home or do I want to stay home with my kids?

Of course I don't have all the answers to these questions but I am starting to lean towards going back to school to get my masters in occupational therapy. I think I did that link right but if not it's just wikipedia's definition of occupational therapy. I really hope this next link works because it is the American Occupational Therapy Association site. Check it out...I think it is such a need with children and I would love to work with kids birth to 5 years old as an occupational therapist. So, this is my dream for now. I of course want my own children but I feel like this degree will help me be a better parent and will help me teach my kids well and I can facilitate play and love through this therapy. That would make my heart so very happy! I feel like OT is a way that God helps us, his children, cope with life when that is all we can do and also to enjoy the sweet moments and realize the beauty that surrounds us.

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