Monday, October 6, 2008

Our New House!

Ben and I bought a house! We signed on it 10 days ago and now it is sanitized and partially painted...a work in progress. This has been such a fast process for us! We made an offer September 3rd and signed September 26th! Just 23 days after we made the offer. We first had to rip all the carpet out which Brian and Ben did such a great job! The house definitely got better after that stuff was out. Brian even took all the tack strips out all himself! That made the house safer and look so much better too! And after taking out the baseboards in one room, which seemed to be a much easier job then the tack strip, I couldn't believe he did it all! Last weekend my family came over to help us paint and we got SO much done! They were such a help! I'm going to be cleaning up the floors from all the paint supplies tomorrow so that the furniture can come in.

I am sitting on my couch tonight for the last time in our first apartment. I'm actually tearing up a little thinking about not living here anymore. I have grown to really love this apartment and I am so comfortable here. This has become our home. I have my routine of what I do here and how I do things. I like our furniture set up (well it's kinda all moved around now to make moving easier and things are boxed up) but I really love this place! I'm afraid of the house because it seems so big and empty. It is about 800 square feet bigger than our apartment (that is nearly double by the way) Thankfully God provided some circumstances where we were able to get more furniture, appliances, and things the house needed for what we could afford! That has been really cool to watch and be a part of God providing for us. God is so so good! We are excited and happy but also stressed and adjusting. I am looking forward to this new stage - homeownership. I just didn't even imagine it would come so soon! alright...I need to go to bed. Our days are long now with all the work to do at the house. I'm tired but it is a good hard tired after a day of working hard! I love it!

These are some pictures of what the house looked like when we bought it...I will take a camera tomorrow to take pictures of the work in progress.

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